FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is the origin of the name Maceo? We asked you to send in results as a competition and the two winners did such sterling jobs we are reproducing their entries here: Evan from Brooklyn submitted the following: "doing my internet research, I saw that the name "Maceo" has two different meanings: I will address both, since I think Maceo embodies both meanings. .. the name "Maceo" is one form of the Middle English name "Mace," meaning a heavy staff or club. I think this definition fits very well for Maceo, since anyone listening to Maceo play for the first time, or even someone who has heard him before will see how hard his playing can hit you. Funk music is built on the off-beats of 2 and 4, and you need to hit hard to be able to master the off-beats the way Maceo does, and so effortlessly. This definition also fits since Maceo's solos are some of the hardest
hitting instrumental solos ever played... The other definition I found for Maceo is "God's Gift." This definition couldn't fit Maceo any better. If there is anyone with a natural, God-given ability to perform and play the saxophone, it is definitely Maceo. His alto always seemed to be a natural extension of his body. It has always seemed to me that music comes so naturally and so freely- as if that ability were there from birth. No one has the control and ability to perform the way he does. One of the best examples of that is during one of his solos in "Let's Get it On," Maceo switches from his normal register into altissimo register and right back into the normal register like it's nothing (I believe it was from a high G to altissimo G back to high G). His talent is truly amazing, and the definition of 'God's Gift' fits perfectly. Albert from Spain submitted the following as part of his entry: "a name of a Cuban military called Antonio Maceo Grajales. He was fighting for the independence and freedom of the slaves in Cuba. At last, after a reunion called Baraguá he obtained the freedom of the Black Cuban and the Independence of Cuba from the Spanish goverment. So he became a hero around 1878" this information is taken from: http://www.invasor.islagrande Burning CDs - the Big Debate We'd like to remind you that although burning sometimes seems the necessary thing to do - a gift or a memento - we really ask you to purchase CDs not only to support Maceo, but to support great music being produced everywhere. Most musicians aren't millionaires, they need to make a living like the rest of us and it all hinges on a fragile eco-structure, as fragile in its own way as our own small planet. We all have the thought that our "one" burnt CD doesn't count, but multiply that a few thousand times and it begins to count just like it counts when we waste water or use too much plastic or pollute the rivers and seas, every little thing counts in the end. 15 Euros or 15 dollars is really not a large amount of money for something which is going to give you a huge amount of pleasure for a very long time. That money also goes to supporting paying for the recording of other great music. It suppports the writers of music too. People like Maceo try to work with independent record companies whose interest is about firstly about making great music, but at the same time have the facilities to distribute that music to as many people as possible. That's not such a bad thing is it? Can we try and support that, and worry about boycotting some nastier stuff instead? with thanks to you for taking the time to read something a bit more "preachy" than usual, we remain as ever your Maceo Team! I signed up on the mailing list at a show but haven't received any newsletters; why not? There could be one of two reasons; either your email set-up doesn't allow you to receive "bulk mail" so that mail to you from us is being returned, to correct this please set your browser and mail to receive mail from
Or when you signed up at the show your email address was either incorrect or difficult to read. We usually try three times to correct this but after that it's up to you, and you can sign up directly at the mailing list page. What kind of Horn, mouthpiece and reeds does Maceo use? Maceo plays a Selmer Mark VI, (which he has had goldplated) and a Brilhart Ebolin mouthpiece 3. He uses Vandoren Java 3 and a half reeds. Where can I get sheet music for Maceo's songs? At the present time there is no sheet music available, we will let you know when this does become available. Are there any other official fan sites? Maceo's french website is the other official site and offers a few things not available on this site. Maceo also has a Fan Page on FaceBook Maceo Parker
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